If youhave any other questions definitely email me at tehdiplomat AT ashotoforangejuice.com
Q What the hell is this?
A For some reason I decided a bit after the API for Google Maps came out that it would be awesome to be able to play board games on it. I've always been a gamer and thought this was the perfect step. I've had a few different games brewing in my head, and while Global Skirmish isn't exactly what I was planning, it works for me
Q Gotta rulesheet or tutorial anywhere?
A Working on it. I think I'll do the rulesheet first since I feel it's more important, to have official rules. But it's probably better for people wanting to actually learn to have a visual tutorial.

Q Can implementing a popular game on a popular technology get you a job developing?
A Well that and some luck would seem to be the case. The same job also means less time for coding.

Teh Diplomat and your friends at A Shot of Orange Juice.